Multiculturalism and nationhood in Canada

Multiculturalism and nationhood in Canada

This study is an attempt to bring together three different perspectives on the question whether multiculturalism is a feasible option for a modern state containing several ethnic groups and cultures. The major part of this study is empirical, consisting of a case study of the relationship between multiculturalism and nationhood in Canada. The empirical part is divided in two, one written by anthropologist Christer Lindberg and focusing on Canadian Indians, the other by sociologist Svante Lundberg, discussing the impact of nationalism in Quebec on the political landscape of that province. In addition to these two empirial chapters, the study includes a critical analysis of multiculturalism as a normative principle, written by moral philosopher Per Bauhn.

About the Book
Author: Christer Lindberg
Genre: Böcker
Publisher: Lund University Press
Publication Year: 1996
ISBN: 0862384117
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